I've Got A Spell For That

I Thought Would Cover Spells And Answer The Following Questions:

*What is a spell?
do they work?

*What kinds are there?

*What are the steps of a spell?
*Do my spells have to rhyme?

Researching different books and different articles sometimes I find information to be a little overwhelming and overly complicated. So I figured I would break it down and get straight to the point for the sake and sanity of new and young witches or those of us that need a refresher. I thought we would begin with the basics, a spell is energy manipulation associated with a chant, incantation, or affirmation to generate the desired result. When you’re performing a spell, you are altering a situation by changing the energy, by adding new energy or moving it.

Now that we know about how energy is associated with spells, we can talk about how a spell works. A spell from start to finish contains a few essential elements that will help it work, and those are with... Crafting and Casting. Crafting has to do with building the energy, planning, and prep work to have a great spell. Casting is the release of energy and seeing the results.

Types of Spells

There are a ton of spells for everything! You name it there's a spell for it! It’s sometimes a little overwhelming how many spells are actually out there. After this post my hope is that you feel empowered to create your own spells. After all, a spell is about energy manipulation. There are only two types of spells.. Attracting and Banishing. Attracting is drawing something towards you. These spells include money, abundance, love, friendship, health, luck, and safety. Banishing is getting rid of something. These spells include when you want something out of your life, getting rid of a habit, a sickness, or negative energy, (shhhh even a person).

Steps of a Spell

1. Establish Intention — the desired outcome
* Collect Ingredients — follow correspondences lists or choose intuitively
* Center & Ground — this protects YOU by connecting yourself to the physical world and releasing excess energy
* Cleanse Your Area- you can use incense, a besom, a smudge stick or a white ball of energy
* Invite Other Entities — this is optional and can include deities, elementals, ancestors, totem animals, etc.
* Perform Your Spell — this is where you use your creativity and use your incantation
* Release Entities After Spell — don’t forget to thank them
* Pack up your spell tools — to release any energy remaining

To answer the last question about rhyming, let’s talk about the incantation. When you cast a spell, you are using your mind, emotions, and will to bring about the desired result. So this means if you choose it to rhyme, then rhyme. I personally like to rhyme unless it feels too forced, but I will say that it took a long time to get past feeling silly or self-conscious, but I have one amazing sister witch who made me see past fears and my preconceived notions about myself and she showed me how to embrace my own power, and in doing so it has made me a better witch and woman. 

I hope this helps take some of the guesswork out of what can be the most mysteriously creative soul satisfying parts of your practice!

Many Blessings J


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